Who If Not You(th) Academy

From December to June 2017 the Association for Civil Activism FORUM 16 – Bitola will implement the project “Who If Not You(th) Academy”.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To provide young people from different communities and academic programs with a structured opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and skills in the areas of active citizenship and leadership.
  • To build a network of young people from throughout the region who will promote youth activism and participation in their own communities.
  • To encourage young people to initiate service project activities in their home communities.

From 9-13 January 2017 will be organized the Academy that will consist of workshops about Team Building, Presentation Skills, Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship, Community Arts and Youth Activism. Target group for Who If Not You(th) Academy are young people age 16-20 from 5 cities and villages around: Bitola, Ohrid, Struga, Prilep and Krusevo.

The project is funded with a grant from the US Peace Corps Small Project Assistance program.